Marcello Somma, CEO of i-Foria, spoke at the Legambiente Forum “L’Italia in cantiere”.
i-Foria contributed its green economy experience and showcased its technology for absorbent hygiene products recycling. This is a topic on which the PNRR, with the investment line dedicated to AHP recycling plants, represents a crucial opportunity.
It is essential for the production system and the public sector to collaborate to make these plants a reality nationwide, thus creating a cycle that supports the valorization of secondary raw materials and waste reduction.
Among the Legambiente’s 14 proposals for a Circular Italy is “Monitoring and speeding up the authorization and implementation processes of interventions under the PNRR – Mission 2, Component 1, Measure 1, with particular attention to those dedicated to the organic fraction and recycling of absorbent hygiene products, to ensure that funding and interventions are successful.”
Institutions must accelerate the process and deploy the resources to initiate the tenders, giving PNRR calls the urgency they deserve and doing everything possible to simplify the procedures, else we risk wasting one of the most important investments for sustainability and the competitiveness of our country.